Roerick Sweeney

Very Normal Guy


I make software and work with data. Mostly web stuff and custom analytics. You can learn more or reach out for work requests at


I pray that I have the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. I try to read the Bible regularly. I do not work on Saturdays and I celebrate the biblical feasts.


These days I'm learning about sewing and textiles. I like to cook and I'm trying to be healthier. I also have been trying to work out, I mostly do kettlebell stuff.

Things I used to do

I try to keep busy. I was an unsuccessful stand up comedian, but people seemed to like my stuff. I used to do community theater. I have played bands and toured with music, which I enjoyed, but I wasn't very good.


I am a childless wastrel, but I hope to have kids someday. I have a cat named Bayleaf and a dog named Barnum. They're pretty goofy but I like them.

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